In honor of International Women's Day, March 8th is reserved each year to celebrate women, girls, and their infinite potential. Since the early 20th century, this worldwide day of celebration has been in existence. Various issues of gender equality and the rights of women are the focus of this campaign. To celebrate women who have overcome barriers and helped us all to be more independent, International Women's Day is a wonderful event. As a result, it's a powerful way for empowering and inspiring young women to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of their own achievement.
It is time to smash down the barriers and envision a future free of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. A world where diversity is recognised and cherished.
In India, gender equality has been a serious problem, yet many women have broken boundaries and entered sectors formerly controlled by males. These ladies have shown incredible bravery by pursuing unconventional careers and succeeding in them. On the eve of International Women's Day 2022, we take a look at some of the most influential women in the world:
An Indian woman was hailed as the first ever Merchant Navy Captain when she was named Radhika Menon. When she rescued seven fishermen from drowning at sea in 2016, she was awarded the International Maritime Organization's Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea.If you draw inspiration from her, you can register in Vinsys training and certification programs.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the appointment of Fathima Beevi as the country's first female supreme court judge. She was also the first Asian woman to serve on the Supreme Court.
When she joined the Indian Police Services in 1972, she became the country's first female police officer. After 35 years of work, she decided to retire in 2007. Also, she became the first Indian woman to serve as a United Nations Civil Patrol advisor.
When Kalpana Chawla, an Indian-born lady, became the first Indian-origin woman to go into space, she made the nation proud. In 1997, she served as a mission specialist and main robotic arm operator aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia.
As India's first female president, Pratibha Patil is both a lawyer and a politician. From 2007 until 2012, she held the position. From 2004 until 2007, she served as Rajasthan's first female governor, a position she held for the first time in her political career.
As India's first female prime minister, Indira Gandhi made history by becoming the country's first female leader. From 1966 until 1977, she served as our country's third Prime Minister. The Bharat Ratna award was also given to her, making her the first woman to win it.
She became the first Indian woman to win a medal in Badminton at the 2012 Olympic Games. She also rose to the position of world number one, making history as the first Indian woman to do so.
The Indian boxer and politician Mary Kom There have been six World Championships for women's boxing, and only Mary Kom has won a medal in each one. Moreover, she was the first Indian woman boxer to qualify for the 2012 Olympics, and she became the first Indian woman boxer to win a gold medal in the Asian Games of 2014.
We've collected together 11 inspiring women who've broken through stereotypes to achieve success in both their professional and personal lives. We're certain that you'll be inspired to improve the world by their inspiring tales!
Supriya, a Delhi University student pursuing a career as a chartered accountant, changed her mind after realizing that she had other interests. Josh Talks is the result of a journey to discover and pursue her hobbies and passions. Josh Talks was born out of a desire to motivate and uplift viewers via the power of narrative (especially the Indian youth).
With more than 75 million people, Josh Talks is a highly sought-after venue for discussions on a broad range of topics ranging from business to public policy to sport to entertainment. A well-told tale, Josh Talks believes, has the ability to change people's perspectives, their lives, and eventually the planet.
As a result of her efforts on Josh Talks, Supriya was named one of Asia's 30 Under 30. With Josh Talks, she's shown that it's never too late to follow your dreams and that trusting your intuition is crucial.
As a young woman, Tiffany Brar was inspired by her mother's courage and her father's determination. Tiffany Brar, who was born blind, is a warrior at heart. Tiffany was subjected to a variety of forms of prejudice in both school and society as a result of her disability. Her own encounters with the visually challenged population made her aware of the difficulties they confront on a daily basis.
Discrimination against Tiffany and other members of the handicap community is at the heart of Tiffany's profession. She embarked on a trip to meet as many visually impaired persons as possible and get insight into their lives. For her, it was a way to help others in the visually impaired and other handicapped populations.
In 2012, Tiffany created a mobile blind school, which has now grown into a fully-functioning and highly-impactful non-profit for the visually impaired population and the empowerment of females. The Jyothirgamaya Foundation is well-known and respected across India. After Tiffany's contributions to the organization, the President referred to her as the "courageous daughter of India," and she has received several honors and accolades for her efforts.
Dinika Bhatia is a fifth-generation businesswoman, and her family's business is a well-known Indian brand. It's an Indian food brand that focuses on healthy eating, Nutty Gritties. The brand's uncompromising quality sets it apart from the many other snacking options available in the nation. An MBA from the University of Southern California is Dinika Bhatia's academic credential. Her family has been in the dried fruit business in India for more than a century.
Dinika created Nutty Gritties as a class project in MBA. A year later, she established a full-fledged company out of it, winning an award for the same. As a result, Nutty Gritties has grown into a well-respected company that sells a wide variety of healthful snacks made from a special combination of dried fruits.
Deepshika Kumar is a well-connected and well-respected businesswoman in India. A leading Indian networking platform for specialists and executives, Speakin was founded by her in 2012. A variety of themes, including women's empowerment, business, health, inspiration, and wellness, as well as elearning, live learning, and personal one-on-one sessions with specialists are addressed. If you draw inspiration from her, you can register in Vinsys training and certification programs.
Experts and aspiring professionals alike may benefit greatly from the platform Deepshika has created for them. Speakin's CEO wants to create a pan-Asian Open Talent Economy that is transparent and enhanced by technology.
Many Fortune 500 firms have used Speakin, which is on its way to becoming Asia's biggest expert network. She has not only helped herself achieve her business ambitions, but she has also established a platform for others to do the same!
Author, journalist, editor, and most importantly, feminist Aekta Kapoor is her name. As a feminist activist, her work has had a significant impact on her personal life. Coral Content, located in India and Canada, publishes eShe Magazine, which she founded as a blog and magazine (both print and digital).
Aekta gives thousands of women a platform to have their opinions heard via eShe. In order to reach women all around the globe, her blogs are available in a variety of languages. Aekta is well-known for her unwavering commitment to her ideals. She discussed her views on marriage and the romanticized notion that it is a "necessity" with Ashutosh Garg. Aekta's views on women and gender are generally seen as controversial because of her progressive leanings.
Every parent wants the best for their child, but it is easy to unintentionally propagate prejudices that might stifle your daughter's growth. Try these six simple suggestions and urge your friends, family, and neighbors to do the same to make sure she realizes that she can do anything in life!
Your children should have a range of toys to choose from. When it comes to their preferences, you never know what they'll end up gravitating toward or why. If your kid is a fan of cooking since he sees you doing it every day, he may like the kitchen playset. Toy trucks may be a hit with your toddler daughter because she sees them driving around your neighborhood and likes to imagine scenarios based on her surroundings.
In order to discover what your kid actually likes, you need to offer her the freedom to explore her interests.
It's important to expose your children to women who have taken different courses in their lives. A female fireman was just recruited by your town's fire department? If you have a chance, stop by the station and say hello to her. Is it true that the lady who lives next door works in IT? Fantastic! Make it a point to talk to your kids about her work.
There are still too many youngsters who regard women, even those who have achieved great success in male-dominated areas, as the ones who cook up a batch of soccer-themed snacks for the weekend." You may help your children recognise women in their lives as more than just mothers and housewives by teaching them about their hobbies, passions, and occupations outside of the home.
The next day, you and your girlfriend will go out for a drink, set aside some time to discuss what you've just watched, paying particular attention to the portrayal of various genders. Is the "clever" female shown as geeky or less cool than the other girls in the story?
What gender was the main character, and would it have made sense to flip the character's gender if he had been male? In order to deliver a tale in a short amount of time, TV programmes and web videos typically depend on visual cues—often stereotypes—to swiftly convey notions about their characters.
It has a significant influence on your girl's self-perception if you talk well about the ladies in your life (and of yourself!). Whether you're talking about your female colleagues, sisters, or girlfriends, are your compliments mostly on what they wear or how they look?
If you're praising a woman's ability to remain cool in the face of adversity, don't be afraid to compliment her on her thoughtfulness in calling you throughout a hectic day.
The more your kid hears you criticize yourself or another woman's attractiveness, the more she learns to evaluate herself and others based on their appearances. She looks to you as an example of how to treat herself well, so set an example for her by treating yourself well first.
It's common for families to distribute home duties in a fairly old-fashioned approach without even recognising it. When it comes to household chores like dishwashing and preparing the table, does your daughter usually take charge, while your son is in charge of the more physical ones like mowing the yard or scaling ladders to change the light bulbs? Make it a point to rotate household duties so that everyone has a chance to try their hand at everything.
Make the most of an open weekend so you and your girlfriend may do anything you want. No harm in having your nails done for a few minutes of quality time, but don't do it every time you get an opportunity to connect with your partner. It's time to shake things up! The basketball courts in your local park are a great place to practise your skills. See what all the hype is about at the new laser tag facility in town. Grab a pair of skates and go to the skate park.
Active activities that aren't considered "ladylike," such as running or biking, might help girls perceive their bodies as more than simply "beautiful." In addition, it will educate her from an early age that sports aren't only for boys—she belongs in these locations and on these teams, too.
Keep in mind that every journey begins with one little step. Make an effort to improve yourself and influence others around you, including your family and friends. People make up society, and we are all part of that society. If we can improve ourselves, we may expect society to improve as well.
Love yourself even if others treat you badly; this is the only way to get through it. Keep in mind that nothing matters more than you. Whatever your background, regardless of where you come from, you must trust in yourself and keep pushing ahead, despite the naysayers. It's impossible for someone to hurt you if you can't even love yourself.
Do not keep quiet if someone bullies or looks down on or violates a little solitary right of yours. Speak out and take care of yourself. To allow others to rally behind you, and by "you," I mean "all the gals."
The best way to discover your passions is to do what you like. Take some time to study thoroughly and discover your talents. Let go of the idea that you must discover a "passion." For as long as you live, you can be and do exactly who you choose. Just because you want to be a doctor, lawyer, or anything, doesn't mean you have to do it all your life. At the end of the day, the most important thing is this... "Does what you do have an influence on your life and the lives of others around you?"
We are human beings, not just human beings doing human things, and this distinction is crucial. We are what we believe, what we do, how we treat others, and the environment in which we live.
The most essential thing to remember is to treat oneself with kindness. Become comfortable with who you are and all that you have to offer. Make a point of prioritizing your own demands and not putting others' interests ahead of your own. At the end of the day, you're the only one who matters.
Girls may benefit from mentors' expertise in knowledge, skills, and strategy, but they can also benefit from their professional socializing and personal support. The job aspirations of one female may not be the same as those of another girl, or even of other girls. Achieving work-life harmony necessitates making time for personal interests.
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