We're all about going out. We know you are too. Countriesnhave taken the difficult but necessary step of closing or restricting thenpublic movements to control the spread of deadly Covid19 virus.
With the COVID-19 situation continuing to evolve, numerous companies across industries have been asking their employees to work from home (WFH) lately to enable “social distancing” to slow down the spread of the virus.
The spread of Covid-19 has made the adoption of technology and remote and flexible working inevitable, with a likely lasting change in the way we work. Being cooped-up with children, spouses and even extended family also poses additional challenges and requires us to become masters of adaptability and agility overnight.
Successful working from home is dependent on an individual’s self-sufficiency (such as time-management skills, self-discipline, and motivation), communication skills, adaptability, and technological skills, soft skills.
For those suddenly adapting to the new reality of workingnfrom home, it is easy to fall into the trap of poor discipline – ditch yourndaily routine, eat junk food, take "power naps" or tackle those DIYnprojects that there’s never time for.
1.Have a set schedule- The most important thing you can do when working from home is to create a set work schedule for yourself and treat it just like a work schedule you’d have in an office. If you don’t, you’ll never get anything done.
2. Be flexible with that schedule- Just because you establish a schedule for yourself, doesn’t mean that the schedule needs to run from 9-6. You can make it whatever you want, and tailor it to your own needs and proclivities. For example, because I want to spend our mornings hanging out with my child I work from 12-6, and then for a couple of hours after she goes to bed.
3. Do your personal errands before or after work- This is related to the above points. Because you have the leeway to be flexible with your schedule, it’s tempting to do personal errands during the middle of the workday. And this results in the loss of some major productivity. Try to schedule your personal errands outside of home office hours.
4. Clock out (or don’t)- One of the potential downsides of working from home is that there’s no set “quitting’ time.” Because you decide when to “clock out,” work can start bleeding over into all hours of the day. Separating work from your personal life is important.
5. Get dressed (or don’t)- One of the most common pieces of advice on working from home is that you need to get dressed as if you were going to an office job. I understand the thinking; research shows that what we wear does affect our frame of mind, so if you get dressed up, you’ll hypothetically shift into a “working” mindset.
6. Establish a home office- While clothes do affect work mindset all that much, the same does the surroundings. We just work better when we have a regular place to work.
7. Set up your computer so you don’t waste time on the internet- When you work from home it’s easy to let your personal computer use bleed over into your work computer use. Instead of working, you’re checking your personal Facebook or Twitter accounts. This is, of course, temptation office workers face as well, but the threat of a supervisor or co-worker walking by their desk keeps the habit in greater check, along with built-in workplace computer filters. At home, no one will know you’ve wasted an entire day surfing the internet except your anxious conscience.
8. Get social- Probably the most significant downside of working from home is the greater isolation you’ll experience — it’s just you and your laptop all day long. Thus, be connected with your colleagues or co-workers through WhatsApp, Skype, etc.
Thanks to the coronavirus outbreak, working from home is no longer a privilege, it’s a necessity. Businesses are trying to figure out how to stay operational in a virtual world.
“It’s a good opportunity for us to test working from home at scale".
Working at home can be extremely beneficial for some people –nbut others can’t handle the self-discipline required. There are countlessnbenefits but it does require a focused mindset to make this work. Make sure younreport back to your manager as often as possible to let them know you are beingnproductive and consistent with your hours.
COVID-19 is an unprecedented crisis that requires all of us working together to protect our families and our communities, if we all come together, get serious, and do our part by staying home, we can stay safe and save lives.
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