Python has earned widespread popularity as a programming language due to its simplicity, readability, and versatility. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, preparing for a Python interview questions can feel overwhelming. However, having a good grasp of commonly asked questions and their answers will boost your confidence and effectively showcase your Python skills.
In this python interview questions blog, we have compiled a comprehensive set of python interview questions and detailed answers covering various aspects of Python programming. From fundamental Python concepts to more advanced topics like multithreading, memory management, and web development, we've got you covered. Additionally, we explore essential concepts like decorators, generators, file I/O, and exception handling, among others. Each python interview questions accompanied by a concise yet informative answer to help you understand the concepts effectively.
These python interview questions are invaluable whether you're aiming for an entry-level position or a more senior role. Mastering them will not only aid you during your interview but also enhance your overall Python knowledge and problem-solving skills.
1. What is Python, and why is it so popular in the programming world?
Ans: Python is a high-level, interpreted, and general-purpose programming language. It gained popularity due to its simplicity, readability, versatility, and a large collection of libraries and frameworks that make development faster and more efficient.
2. Who developed Python, and when was it first introduced?
Ans: Python was developed by Guido van Rossum and was first introduced on February 20, 1991.
3. What are the key features of Python that differentiate it from other programming languages?
Ans: Python is known for its clear and concise syntax, object-oriented nature, platform independence, extensive standard library, and easy integration with other languages.
4. How can you achieve multithreading in Python, and why is it beneficial?
Ans: Multithreading in Python can be achieved using the threading module. It allows concurrent execution of multiple threads, which is beneficial for utilizing multiple CPU cores and improving the performance of I/O-bound tasks.
5. What are some major organizations that use Python in their projects?
Ans: Python is widely used in major organizations such as Intel, IBM, NASA, Pixar, Netflix, Facebook, JP Morgan Chase, Spotify, and many others.
Python Basic Interview Questions
6. What is the difference between Python 2 and Python 3, and which version should you use for new projects?
Ans: Python 2 and Python 3 have some syntax and library differences, making them incompatible. Python 3 is the recommended version for new projects, as Python 2 reached its end-of-life on January 1, 2020, and will no longer receive updates.
7. Explain the purpose and usage of virtual environments in Python?
Ans: Virtual environments in Python allow developers to create isolated environments for their projects. This ensures that project dependencies do not interfere with each other, making it easier to manage dependencies and maintain project stability.
8. What are the benefits of using Python for data science and machine learning projects?
Ans: Python's vast ecosystem of data science and machine learning libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow, make it a preferred choice for data science projects. Its simple syntax and ease of integration with other tools also contribute to its popularity.
9. How can you handle exceptions in Python, and why is exception handling important?
Ans: In Python, exceptions can be handled using try, except, else, and finally blocks. Exception handling is crucial for preventing program crashes and providing informative error messages to users or developers, making debugging easier.
10: What is the use of decorators in Python, and provide an example of a decorator function.
Ans: Decorators in Python are used to modify the behavior of functions or methods. They are often used for logging, authentication, and memoization. Here's an example of a simple decorator to measure the execution time of a function:
import time
def timing_decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start_time = time.time()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
end_time = time.time()
print(f;Execution time: {end_time – start_time} seconds;)
return result
return wrapper
def slow_function():
print(Function executed.;)
11. What is the difference between append() and extend() methods in Python lists?
Ans: Both append() and extend() are list methods in Python. The append() method adds a single element to the end of the list, whereas the extend() method takes an iterable (e.g., list, tuple, string) and appends each element from the iterable to the list.
12. How can you handle exceptions in Python?
Ans: In Python, you can handle exceptions using the try, except, else, and finally blocks. The try block contains the code that may raise an exception. If an exception occurs, it is caught by the corresponding except block. The else block is executed if no exception occurs, and the finally block is executed regardless of whether an exception occurred or not.
13. What are lambda functions in Python?
Ans: Lambda functions, also known as anonymous functions, are small, one-line functions without a name. They are defined using the lambda keyword and can take any number of arguments but can only have one expression. They are often used for short, throwaway functions.
14. How do you open and read a file in Python?
Ans: To open and read a file in Python, you can use the open() function with the appropriate file mode (e.g., r' for reading). For example:
with open(example.txt', r') as file:
content =
15. Explain the difference between shallow copy and deep copy in Python?
Ans: Shallow copy and deep copy are used to duplicate objects in Python. A shallow copy creates a new object, but it only copies the references to the original elements, not the elements themselves. On the other hand, a deep copy creates a new object and recursively copies all the elements and their contents.
Python Interview Questions for Freshers
16. What is the purpose of the __init__() method in Python classes?
Ans: The __init__() method is a special method (constructor) in Python classes. It is called automatically when an object is created from the class and is used to initialize the object's attributes. It allows you to set the initial state of the object.
17. How can you remove duplicates from a list in Python?
Ans: To remove duplicates from a list, you can convert the list to a set and then back to a list. The set automatically removes duplicates as it only stores unique elements. For example:
original_list = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]
unique_list = list(set(original_list))
18. What is the purpose of the super() function in Python?
Ans: The super() function is used to call a method from a parent class within a subclass. It is often used in the __init__() method of a subclass to invoke the parent class's __init__() method, ensuring that the initialization logic of both classes is executed.
19. How can you reverse a string in Python?
Ans: You can reverse a string in Python using slicing. For example:
original_string = Hello, World!;
reversed_string = original_string[::-1]
20. What is the purpose of a virtual environment in Python?
Ans: A virtual environment is used to create isolated Python environments where you can install specific packages and dependencies without affecting the global Python installation. It helps avoid conflicts between different projects that may require different versions of the same package.
Also Check – Jobs After Python Certification
21. How do you handle file I/O in Python? Provide an example of reading and writing to a file?
Ans: File I/O in Python is handled using the open() function and various file modes. Here's an example of reading and writing to a file:
Reading from a file:
with open(example.txt', r') as file:
content =
Writing to a file:
with open(output.txt', w') as file:
file.write(This is some content written to the file.')
22. Explain the difference between lists and tuples in Python?
Ans: Lists and tuples are both used to store collections of items, but they have some key differences. Lists are mutable, meaning you can add, remove, or modify elements after creation. Tuples, on the other hand, are immutable, and once created, their elements cannot be changed. Lists are defined using square brackets [ ], while tuples are defined using parentheses ( ).
23. What is the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python, and how does it impact multithreading?
Ans: The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is a mechanism in CPython (the standard implementation of Python) that allows only one thread to execute Python bytecode at a time. This means that even on multi-core systems, Python threads cannot fully utilize multiple CPU cores for CPU-bound tasks. However, the GIL doesn't impact performance much for I/O-bound tasks, making multithreading beneficial in such scenarios.
24. How can you handle and raise custom exceptions in Python?
Ans: To handle custom exceptions in Python, you can create your own exception class by inheriting from the Exception class. Here's an example of raising and handling a custom exception:
class CustomError(Exception):
def example_function(x):
if x < 0:
raise CustomError(Input should be a positive number.;)
return x * 2
result = example_function(-5)
except CustomError as e:
print(f;Error: {e};)
25. What is the purpose of the __name__ variable in Python scripts?
Ans: The __name__ variable is a built-in variable in Python scripts. When a Python script is run directly, the value of __name__ is set to __main__'. This allows you to include code in your script that should only run when the script is executed directly and not when it is imported as a module into another script.
Python Programming Interview Questions
26. How can you handle data serialization and deserialization in Python?
Ans: Python provides the pickle module for data serialization and deserialization. Pickle allows you to convert Python objects into a byte stream (serialization) and vice versa (deserialization). Here's an example:
import pickle
data = {name': John', age': 30}
# Serialization
with open(data.pkl', wb') as file:
pickle.dump(data, file)
# Deserialization
with open(data.pkl', rb') as file:
loaded_data = pickle.load(file)
print(loaded_data) # Output: {name': John', age': 30}
list comprehensions in Python with examples
Ans: List comprehensions are a concise way to create lists in Python. They allow you to generate a new list by specifying the expression and an optional filter condition. Here's an example:
# Create a list of squares of numbers from 1 to 5
squares = [x**2 for x in range(1, 6)]
print(squares) # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25
27. How can you find and install third-party packages in Python using pip?
Ans: Pip is a package manager for Python that allows you to find, install, and manage third-party packages easily. To install a package, you can use the pip install command followed by the package name. For example:
pip install requests
This command will install the requests; package, which is commonly used for making HTTP requests.
28. How do you handle and avoid infinite loops in Python programs?
Ans: Infinite loops occur when a loop's condition never becomes False, causing it to run indefinitely. To avoid infinite loops, you need to ensure that the loop's condition eventually evaluates to False. Common techniques to handle infinite loops include using a loop control variable, using a break statement within the loop, or using conditional checks to exit the loop based on certain conditions. Additionally, using a timeout mechanism or Keyboard Interrupt exception handling can be used to interrupt infinite loops during development and testing.
29. What is the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy of an object in Python?
Ans: In Python, a shallow copy of an object creates a new object but does not create new copies of the elements inside the object. Instead, it copies references to the original elements. A deep copy, on the other hand, creates a new object and recursively copies all the elements and their contents, resulting in an independent copy of the original object.
30. How can you handle errors and exceptions in Python? Explain the purpose of the try-except block?
Ans: Errors and exceptions can be handled in Python using the try-except block. The try block contains the code that might raise an exception, and the except block catches the exception if it occurs. This allows the program to gracefully handle errors and continue executing the code without crashing.
Also Check – Uses of Python Programming Language
31. How does Python handle memory management? Explain the role of reference counting and garbage collection?
Ans: Python uses a combination of reference counting and garbage collection for memory management. Reference counting keeps track of the number of references to an object, and when the reference count becomes zero, the memory for that object is deallocated. Garbage collection is a process that runs periodically to identify and clean up objects that are no longer reachable, even if they have circular references.
32. How can you sort a list of objects in Python based on a specific attribute of the objects?
Ans: You can use the sorted() function or the sort() method of a list in Python to sort a list of objects based on a specific attribute. You can provide a key parameter to specify the attribute by which to sort the objects. For example:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age
people = [Person(John', 30), Person(Alice', 25), Person(Bob', 35)]
# Sort by age
sorted_people = sorted(people, key=lambda person: person.age)
33. What is the purpose of the if __name__ == __main__;: block in Python scripts?
Ans: The if __name__ == __main__;: block is used to check whether the Python script is being run directly or imported as a module into another script. Code within this block will only execute when the script is run directly, not when it is imported elsewhere. It is commonly used to define script-level behavior and test functions when the script is run standalone.
34. How can you convert a string to all uppercase or all lowercase in Python?
Ans: You can use the upper() method to convert a string to uppercase and the lower() method to convert it to lowercase. For example:
original_string = Hello, World!;
upper_case_string = original_string.upper()
lower_case_string = original_string.lower()
print(upper_case_string) # Output: HELLO, WORLD!;
print(lower_case_string) # Output: hello, world!;
35. What is the purpose of the “with” statement in Python file I/O, and how does it help with resource management?
Ans: The “with” statement in Python is used for resource management, particularly in file I/O operations. It ensures that the file is properly closed after its suite finishes, even if an exception occurs during the operation. It eliminates the need to explicitly close the file, making the code cleaner and less prone to resource leaks.
Python Coding Questions and Answers
36. How can you find the current date and time in Python?
Ans: You can find the current date and time in Python using the “datetime” module. Here's an example:
Import datetime
current_date =
current_time =
print(current_date) # Output: 2023-07-26
print(current_time) # Output: 2023-07-26 12:34:56.789012
37. Explain the concept of first-class functions in Python?
Ans: In Python, functions are considered first-class citizens, which means they can be treated as objects and assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and returned from other functions. This allows for powerful functional programming paradigms, such as using higher-order functions and creating closures.
38. How can you check if a key exists in a dictionary in Python, and what happens when you try to access a non-existent key?
Ans: You can check if a key exists in a dictionary using the in keyword. For example:
my_dict = {a': 1, b': 2}
if c' in my_dict:
print(Key c' exists.;)
print(Key c' does not exist.;)
When you try to access a non-existent key in a dictionary, Python raises a KeyError exception. To avoid this, you can use the get() method, which returns a default value if the key is not found.
39. How can you convert a list of strings to a single concatenated string in Python?
Ans: You can use the join() method of strings to concatenate the elements of a list into a single string. For example:
my_list = [Hello', , World']
concatenated_string = ;.join(my_list)
print(concatenated_string) # Output: Hello World;
40. Explain the purpose of the pass statement in Python?
Ans: The pass statement in Python is a no-operation statement used as a placeholder when a statement is syntactically required but no action is needed. It is commonly used as a placeholder for code that will be implemented later.
41. How do you remove elements from a list in Python?
Ans: You can remove elements from a list in Python using the remove() method to remove a specific value or the pop() method to remove an element at a specific index. Additionally, you can use slicing to remove multiple elements from a list.
42. What are the advantages of using Python for web development? Name some popular web frameworks?
Ans: Python is popular for web development due to its simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries. Some advantages include rapid development, ease of use, and a large community of developers. Popular Python web frameworks include Django, Flask, and Pyramid.
43. How do you handle and log exceptions in Python to aid in debugging?
Ans: In Python, you can use the logging module to handle and log exceptions. This module allows you to configure logging levels, capture exception details, and write logs to files or other destinations. Properly logging exceptions can help in debugging and monitoring the application's behavior.
Also Check – Become a Python Programming Expert
44. How can you check the memory usage of a Python object?
Ans: Python provides the sys.getsizeof() function in the sys module to check the memory usage of an object. It returns the size of the object in bytes. Keep in mind that this function only provides an estimate of the memory usage and may not include memory used by referenced objects.
45. Explain the purpose of the __str__ and __repr__ methods in Python classes?
Ans: The __str__ method is used to define a string representation of an object that is suitable for end-users. It is called by the str() function and the print() function. The __repr__ method, on the other hand, is used to define a string representation of an object that is mainly used for debugging and development purposes. It is called by the repr() function and is often used to produce a string that can recreate the object when evaluated.
46. What is the difference between a module and a package in Python?
Ans: In Python, a module is a single file containing Python code that can be imported and used in other Python programs. A package, on the other hand, is a collection of modules organized in a directory with a special file named The file marks the directory as a package and allows it to be imported as a whole.
47. How can you perform unit testing in Python? Name some popular testing frameworks?
Ans: Unit testing in Python can be done using testing frameworks like unittest, pytest, and nose. These frameworks provide a set of tools to write and run test cases for functions and classes, ensuring that individual units of code work as expected.
48. Explain the concept of closures in Python and provide an example?
Ans: In Python, a closure is a function that retains access to variables from its containing (enclosing) scope even after the scope has finished executing. It allows a function to remember and access its lexical scope's variables. Here's an example:
def outer_function(x):
def inner_function(y):
return x + y
return inner_function
closure_example = outer_function(10)
print(closure_example(5)) # Output: 15
In this example, inner_function is a closure that remembers the value of x from the enclosing outer_function, even after outer_function has finished executing.
49. How can you swap the values of two variables in Python without using a temporary variable?
Ans: You can swap the values of two variables in Python using a tuple assignment. Here's an example:
x = 10
y = 20
x, y = y, x
print(x) # Output: 20
print(y) # Output: 10
50. How do you handle file I/O errors and exceptions in Python when working with files?
Ans: When working with files in Python, you should handle file I/O errors and exceptions to prevent unexpected crashes or data corruption. You can use the try-except block to catch exceptions that may occur during file operations and handle them gracefully.
with open(file.txt', r') as file:
content =
except FileNotFoundError:
print(File not found.;)
except IOError as e:
print(f;An I/O error occurred: {e};)
Summing up:
Vinsys offers a comprehensive Python training program designed to equip individuals with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in Python programming. This course is suitable for beginners and experienced professionals alike, as it covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts. Participants will learn about Python's simplicity, readability, and versatility, making it one of the most popular programming languages in various industries. With Vinsys' Python Certification training, individuals can confidently showcase their Python expertise and make a positive impact in their professional journey.
Vinsys done various technical python corporate training for various organizations ranging from freshers to experienced candidates. Remember that continuous learning is the key to mastering any programming language. Embrace challenges, seek opportunities to improve, and never stop growing as a Python developer. We wish you the best of luck in your Python interview questions endeavors and hope you find success in your future interviews and projects. Happy coding!
We hope this compilation has strengthened your Python interview questions knowledge and prepared you for upcoming interviews. Python's versatility and vast ecosystem make it a crucial skill for various domains, including web development, data science, machine learning, and automation.
As you embark on your Python journey, remember to regularly practice your coding skills, work on real-world projects, and contribute to the Python community. Stay updated with the latest Python trends, libraries, and best practices.
Python Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with thorough preparation and a solid understanding of Python's core concepts, you can approach them with confidence. Focus on problem-solving and demonstrate your thought process during technical discussions.
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