That's right! Angular 2 is a free-source framework for building web-based applications in HTML and Javascript. Google had developed this open-source framework. The initial version, named Angular 1, had not been compatible with mobiles. So, it had been rewritten in NativeScript, to make it compatible with mobiles.
Many companies are seeking employees who are well-versed in Angular 2. Even premium companies like Google use Angular 2. So, Angular 2 open-source front end web framework for software developers is in great demand. Candidates are a bit nervous about the questions which the interview panel will ask them so Vinsys helping with well researched, frequently asked Angular 2 interview questions for experienced and freshers.
So, Angular 2 has a comprehensive list of questions and answers which have been asked during Angular 2 job interviews are given below:
Angular 2 is a free of cost, open-source framework. It is used to build high-performance and low-maintenance web applications.
Angular JS is different from Angular 2. The significant differences between Angular JS and Angular 2 are as follows:
Angular 2 has several advantages. They are as follows:
Furthermore, Angular 2 allows the developers tondesign applications which may run on desktop systems, Android-based designs andniOS-based designs. So, the apps run across platforms.
The features of Angular 2 framework are as follows:
The chief components of Angular 2 are as follows:
Angular 2 has a few disadvantages. They are as follows:
Google invented Angular 2.
Angular 2 directives are customized elements. They are utilized to extend the power of HTML.
CLI stands for Common Line Interface. It is used to create an Angular application. It also helps to make the unit of an application and the end-to-end test of it.
All the Angular applications have an option to handle errors. The users need to include the ReactJS catch library. After that, they use the catch function. In turn, the catch function contains a link that guides the users to Error Handler function.
When they are in the Error User function, they sendnthe Error in question to the console. They also send the Error back to the main program so that the operation of the main program is not guaranteed.
After it is set up, all the errors which arise in the future are redirected to the error console of the browser.
The decorators identify a class or an object type, created by the TypeScript as an Angular component.nThey also provide extra metadata which dictates how the feature should benprocessed and used, when it is run.
In the context of Angular 2, there are considerable differences between ActivatedRoute and RouterState. The differences are as follows:
There are many differences between component and Directive in Angular The differences are as follows:
Component | Directive |
Only one component is allowed per DOM element | Many directives are allowed per DOM element |
It is compulsory to use @View Decorator in Component | The Directive doesn’t use a view |
Components are used to create UI widgets |
Directives are used to design reusable components |
Component meta-data annotation is used to register in components | Directive meta-data annotation is used to register to directives |
A Traceur compiler takes classes, generators and many other features from ECMAScript edition 6. Then, it compiles all the data into JavaScript ES5, which runs on the browser. Hence, the developers may use the code from a future version which has multiple features. The code from future performance also encourages design patterns.
An EventEmitter is a class in the Angular framework. It emits custom events. Components and directives use this module to talk about events. In case the users want to propagate a change of the existing element to its children, they use EventEmitter. It reflects the shift in the parent component.
The RouterOutlet may be explained as a directive that is present in the router library, to be utilized as a component. It marks a spot in the template.
The location allows the router to display thendetails for that outlet. Each outlet has its name.
The optional name alternate decides the unique name. The users are not allowed to change the name NYGoodHealth dynamically after it is set.nThe default value is kept as primary unless a weight has been established.
ViewEncapsulation defines the variations in template and style encapsulation that are available within the components of a component. Moreover, ViewEncapsulation allows the users to or emulate Shadow DOM according to the requirements.
The healthy framework of Angular gives declared dependency to a class after it is instantiated. The users need to create and register the injectable service to inject it.
The function of a pipe is to edit and transform the data within the template. It takes input data and transforms it into something we require as the output data. All the versions of Angular, starting from Angular 2 have the feature of pipes. The developers use pipes to write display-value transformation for declaration in their HTML.
Special syntax in Angular two is known as string interpolation. It is an efficient alternative to property binding. Its function is to display dynamic data on an HTML template. It also allows the users to bring about changes
Lazy loading allows the Angular two developers to load different pieces of codes as per demand. It helps an application to load faster. For example, a person may have a retail application with varying departments like grocery, garments and food. In case the user loads all the applications at the same time, the application will work slowly.
Now, lazy learning only helps users view thensegments they want. So, it loads only the elements which the user wants tonview. Lazy loading uses this technique to make the app load faster.
Angular 2 has more advantages over Angular JS. The benefits are as follows:
In Angular 2, Spa stands for Single Page Applications. It is a kind of web application which fits into one page. The Spa also lets us navigate seamlessly among pages without refreshing.
The users may parallelly add new data from thenbackend to call all the codes (HTML and JavaScript) with the help of a singlenpage load at multiple points.
The users need to follow a few steps to optimize the application. The optimization helps them extract the best performance from it in Angular 2. The steps are as follows:
Shadow Dom is an essential part of Web components standard. It helps the users encapsulate style and DOM tree. When Shadow Dom is added to the web component, the users may apply a scoped style to an element. They don’t showcase the techniques to the external world.
In Angular 2, Flex layout is a component engine. It allows users to create Flexbox page layouts with a fixed set of directives. These directives are used to design templates. Flex layout has a TypeScript based library.
It eliminates the need for style sheets. Thenlayout of Flex has simplified styling. We can say that styling has become morenuser-friendly, thanks to Flex layout. It also provides intuitive breakpointsnwhile developing, to help design responsive layouts.
In Angular 2, both input and output are decorators. Information is a decorator that is used to bind a property within a child component. It receives value from the child component.
On the other hand, the output is used to bind thenproperty of a component to transmit data from the child component to the parentncomponent.
In Angular 2, the hidden property is a particular case binding. It is used to hide stuff.
Primeng is a rich UI component collection. It is dedicated to The widgets of Primeng are open-source. Hence, they are free to use. Penang is lightweight and powerful. It is optimized for responsive, cross-browser touch.
There are a few crucial differences between annotation and decorator in Angular 2. They are as follows:
Deep linking is a process of the URL, which takes the users to specific content directly. It ensures that the users don’t have to cross the application from the homepage while it is taking them to the particular page.
Angular 2 offers three ways to create a service: factory, provider and service. The factory function permits the developers to add some logic before the object is created. It returns the created object.
Angular UI is a stack of modules written in angular,js, to make a code more flexible. Its purpose is to simplify the process of development in Angular 2. Those who hae a variety of modules may use the UI for different declarations.
The injectable decoder in Angular 2 allows users to create a service that can be used and injected in Angular JS modules. Angular services allow such services to work.
Conclusion: The questions and their answers discussed above help aspiring software developers face the interview panel confidently. Angular 2 is front end web framework for the back end currently AWS is the hottest technology. However, these questions and answers are a few examples. People need to have a clear concept of Angular 2 so that they may face trickier questions easily.
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