Do you realize AWS or Amazon Web Service is the world's biggest cloud computing stage? It has a worth of approximately 1 million customers and ranking in $10 billion in revenue annually.
This stage incorporates a combination of 'IaaS' framework as assistance,n'SaaS' bundled programming as a service, 'PaaS' stage as a service and due tonthese services, it is very well known for cloud computing platform.
The most surprising fact about AWS is that it was one of the first companies to introduce a pay-as-you-go cloud computing model. It provides computing power, database storage, content distribution, and other functions that contribute to business growth.
If you are a beginner then let's have a look at what AWS well structured framework allows you to do in simple words as followed:
So, above was everything regarding AWS or Amazon Web Service. Now, the next question which would pop into your mind would why you should choose AWS as your cloud partner! In the following article, this query of yours would be crystal clear as we have mentioned 7 reasons to go for AWS as your cloud partner.
Location plays the most vitalnrole in cloud computing and AWS knows it very well. Did you know that AWS nownoperates 44 available zones within 16 geographical regions worldwide!
Additionally, there are morenthan 14 availability zones in the works. Nevertheless, it is about to implementnfive more regions including China. So, AWS has you covered no matter whatevernyour geographical preference is! This reason is itself the decision which youncan take by close eyes.
Flexibility and scalability-nthese both factors play a ground role in providing the business flexibility tonscale up or down as required. This is itself the strong device for executivesnwho are seeking to increase as well as decrease server space in a matter ofnmilliseconds.
Thanks to the huge cloud-basednsite, because the difficulty of businesses to deal with the constraints ofnphysical computer infrastructure is past the time which is left no more. Suchnan amazing service has proven very beneficial for most businesses to meet theirngoals.
AWS has made it very easy and affordablento store important information in many geographic locations with itsndecentralized nature and global assistance. Additionally, it also offersnvarious backup methods such as AMIs as well as EBS snapshots.
So, in the circumstances where your primary production environment has taken offline due to manmade or natural disasters, you don't have to stress about your backup. It would be always safe in the hands of AWS cloud computing.
Furthermore, to make thenprocess even better and easier, third-party services like Cloud Ranger allownbusinesses to schedule backups automatically in AWS regions. In this process,nthere is no need for in-house scripting which is proven very beneficialnaccording to the survey.
The term 'disaster' in business language means estimated loss due to a small amount of downtime orndata loss. Meanwhile, for others, the cost of idle time or data loss is no morenthan the cost of maintaining a multi-site / hot stand recovery system.
AWS is a very versatile sitenas it provides the right tools for your disaster recovery plan. Besides, thirdnparties such as Cloud Ranger allow AWS to simplify the disaster recovery process.n
The above were the top 4nadvantages of AWS but yet the list is not ended. According to the surveynconducted in 2015, it was known that "AWS is far much better in maintaining its public cloud service running compared to either Google ornMicrosoft". In this way, it can be said that AWS is at its best in thenfactor of consistency and reliability.
At the starting of thisnarticle, it is already mentioned that AWS is one of the first companies whonintroduced Pay-As-You-Go cloud computing. But what exactly it does? This helpsnto improve the business's bottom line. According to a survey, in some cases, itnhas been observed as much as 70%.
Above all of the reasons to choose AWS, this platform has the ultimate flexible price structure. The customers can only end up paying for whatever they have used. AWS certification cost also very economical so it is the most budget-friendly service provided by AWS.
Last but most important factornby which AWS is most famous worldwide and is its security. It doesn't matternthat you're about to go for a one-man start-up or at an enterprise level. AWSnprovides the same level of protection for any business.
It offers an extensive security support network through which it offers real-time insight to have look at suspicious activity and potential vulnerabilities.
By the end, we hope that you have selected AWS as your cloud partner by seeing the above positive impacts. To add a cherry on the cake, you can also opt for AWS Cloud training offered by Vinsys which is one of the trusted and authorized training partners. Over time, you would notice that a backup and recovery solution for AWS is much easy with the help of CloudRanger.
Thus, above was everything tonknow about AWS and why you should go for this cloud computing platform.
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